00:37:59 Achille Confiance: Achille and Annielle from Madagascar 00:38:01 Tom McMinn: Hello from Franklin, TN. 00:38:05 Deb Schellhase -: Cornelius, North Carolina 00:38:26 David Jacob Smith: Redding, CA 00:38:48 Sarah Guinn, PCC: I'm loving Lyssa's new book on Light Up! 00:38:49 Kathleen Watson: Auburn, Alabama 00:38:57 Felicia O’Neil: Waiting for the audible version of the book:) 00:39:59 Pat Jones VO: Raleigh, NC 00:40:02 Lyssa deHart: Still working on the audible version… 😀 00:41:16 Joe Donaldson: I’m in the Community! 00:41:18 Ken Evitts: I'm in 00:41:19 Francina: I'm in the community!!! 00:41:19 TAVI Coaching and Wellness, LLC: I'm in the Community 00:41:19 Danielle Hoel: I''m in the community 00:41:20 Janice Fitzgerald: I'm in the CAM Community 00:41:21 Marsha Wakefield: I'm in 00:41:23 Daniel Franco (I/G): I’m in the community! 00:41:24 Roger Byrd (rbyrd@csbc.com): I'm IN! 00:41:26 Kathleen Watson: I am in the community. 00:41:26 kelly: Im in the community!! 00:41:32 Eric Stender: Not in Community, yet, but the Exchange was great! 00:41:33 Mary Selzer: I'm in! 00:41:35 Ms. Paula: I’m in the community! 00:41:36 Ola: I'm in 00:41:48 Dan Hayden: I’m in the community! Huge asset to my growth & development as a coach. 00:41:55 Claudia W: I am in the community 00:42:09 Michelle Tessaro: I think i’m in! 00:42:10 Stephanie Janke: I will be soon! 00:43:01 Dan: Not in. Sorry I'm a little late. How do I get into the community. 00:44:47 Brian Miller: To get in the community, go to /coachapproachministries.org/ and click on Community at the top menu. 00:49:24 Marsha Wakefield: Focused curiosity, intentional listening, some reflecting back so they hear their words 00:49:27 Terri Giammona: To receive it 00:51:12 Rachael Sonnborn: to come alongside the thinker to help them come up with new or deeper thinking 00:52:15 Charles Zimmerman: It’s like going on a treasure hunt with the thinker as they seek to discover what is hidden 00:53:22 Dan Burns, MBA, PCC, CPCC: I like the phrase of being a “positive provocateur” attributed to Robert Biswas-Diener. This applies to us as coaches and to the “thinker.” 00:54:22 TAVI Coaching and Wellness, LLC: be curious on their behalf, yes! 01:02:23 Brian Miller: We've been looking at Jeeps lately. There are so many! 01:03:30 Brian Miller: I'm often biased to get them to say yes to their next opportunity. 01:04:19 Terri Giammona: Love that, "We only hear what we are listening for." 01:08:03 Linda lindaschumann@optonline.net: Does this thinking work with a group as well? 01:09:48 Brian Miller: We're hosting a webinar with Marcia Reynolds in January 01:09:54 Tammy Radmacher: There are Jeep clubs 01:10:10 Dan: Sorry, my computer restarted on me, mid-webinar 01:10:34 Brian Miller: No worries Dan, I'll send a link to the recording tomorrow so you won't miss anything. 01:11:58 Lesley Rappillard: What if the thinker wants to solve the problem? 01:12:18 Tammy Radmacher: How do you change this way of thinking to coaching the person more and not the problem 01:12:28 Kathleen Watson: How do you still ask about what the client wants to walk away with? 01:13:16 TAVI Coaching and Wellness, LLC: I tend to focus on person not problem BUT I also tend to be waiting for "the answer" that makes the most sense to me. I need to trust the thinker more 01:13:20 Jonathan Villers - WVBC SE Area Minister: Sorry I came in late, looking fwd to the recording! 01:13:40 NE 2 Growth Group Winter Session 2024: wHAT ARE SOME OTHER GOOD BOOKS TO READ FOR A NEW COACH THAT YOU WOULD SUGGFEST. 01:13:55 Eric Stender: So easy to jump at the "tools" word without doing deeper exploration 01:15:03 Francina: I like the identification and use of "resistance" in furthering exploration. 01:16:54 TAVI Coaching and Wellness, LLC: is my excitement useful, I love that 01:17:10 Danielle Hoel: This mindset is freeing to me. In the beginning stages of coaches it has felt like walking away with an agreed solution equates to success. But true thought-partnering might not produce a solution, especially in one session. 01:17:12 Kayla Kerner: Is my positive bias useful? This thought is helpful 01:17:24 Charles Zimmerman: In lightbulb moments, I love to ask: What are you discovering? How will that help you move forward? 01:18:27 Todd Boudreau: Can “resistance” be replaced with “friction”? I sometimes note that friction can be positive and negative; when negative it creates heat, when positive it creates “traction “. Similar to inertia; it either hold something back or keeps it in motion. 01:20:33 Claudia W: What have you learned about using somatic metaphors in particular? 01:22:38 Francina: love that! can we get more info on the Lego play? 01:23:05 Siddhi: Thank you Lyssa and Brian. Unfortunately I need to log out now. I look forward to receiving the recording. 01:23:13 Francina: would love to incorporate in group coaching. 01:24:40 Joe Donaldson: https://www.lego.com/en-us/themes/serious-play 01:31:19 Brian Miller: If you need better boundaries, what would you replace the doormat with? 01:32:03 TAVI Coaching and Wellness, LLC: door. 01:32:12 Mary Selzer: Great webinar! So informative. Need to head to another appointment. 01:32:35 RL: fence for boundaries? 01:33:33 Lesley Rappillard: A boundary is a metaphor 01:33:59 Brian Miller: Wow Lesley! Great observation! 01:34:28 Deborah Versteeg: Thank you for a great webinar! 01:35:32 Arcenia Olson: Lisa - What a great webinar! Thank you! 01:36:02 Claudia W: You use the question a lot, Is that what we are doing? Is this a good use for a binary question? 01:37:12 ranganath96@gmail.com: Lisa- Insightful Webinar- Thanks to you and to BM and the CAMs team! 01:37:13 Violetta Psofaki: Great webinar! Thank you. 01:37:45 Stephanie Phillips: Thank you so much! 01:38:17 Charles Zimmerman: Thank you for opening up new possibilities for how to serve my thinkers. 01:38:39 Stephanie Janke: Thank you!! I have to join another meeting. Great content. appreciate the time. 01:38:42 Francina: This has been so incredibly informative!!! 01:38:48 Joe Donaldson: We will move into an extended Q&A session with Lyssa shortly. 01:38:52 Laura Szpir: I need to hop off, thank you so much for this webinar, excellent! 01:39:29 Virgie Maney: Thiis was great. I have to attend another session now. Thank you so much for this information. Blessings to all :-) 01:39:30 Francina: Have to run to an appointment! 01:39:45 Francina: Thank you again! 01:42:25 Brian Miller: I love "sticky" outcomes 01:42:50 Rachael Sonnborn: Need to head off. Thanks for a very insightful Webinar! 01:42:59 Pat Jones VO: This is my metaphor for transformation in my coaching practice: caterpillar to butterfly (Graceful Growth Coaching) 01:44:34 RL: Thank you! I'll look for recording 😌 01:45:44 Tammy Radmacher: Demo? 01:45:49 Marsha Wakefield: Thanks so much for a great learning experience! 01:46:43 Danielle Hoel: Thank you, I enjoyed the content and insights. 01:47:10 Genise Anderson: Very, very helpful Lyssa! Thanks so much. 01:48:18 Janice Fitzgerald: Lyssa - could you give us a synopsis of metaphors and the exploration of them fromthe demo that there wasn't time for you to share? 01:49:21 Lyssa deHart: Backward Brain https://youtu.be/MFzDaBzBlL0?si=157iMzbwksNYaz9SI have lots of demos on YouTube and on my website. 01:50:35 Lyssa deHart: https://academy.lyssadehart.com/course/monthly-q-and-a-for-coaches 01:51:03 Lyssa deHart: https://calendly.com/lyssadehart/discover-coach-support-options 01:53:17 Ann Scherer: Thank you so much great content. I went over my time, I have to go. Thank you so much for the recording. Also looking forward to joining the Emotions ecourse 01:55:33 Claudia W: Do you ever try to stir a client toward a meaningful metaphor to get to the goal the client has set? 01:56:22 Deb Schellhase -: What is the recording app called again - "Ray Notes"?? 01:56:32 Janice Fitzgerald: RaeNotes 01:57:07 Janice Fitzgerald: RaeNotes is free to get an account but has a low lost per minute for the AI transcription. 01:58:20 Janice Fitzgerald: For those of you who have had CAM Mentor Coaching in the past year and a half, the transcript came from RaeNotes and the mentor coach has used this program to collate the PCC Marker feedback you received. 01:59:06 Jonathan Villers - WVBC SE Area Minister: is raenotes available on android? 01:59:20 Geoff: Wow, that's helpful! 02:00:48 TAVI Coaching and Wellness, LLC: 😉 02:01:22 Ken Evitts: Thank you, Lyssa. 02:01:30 Pat Jones VO: Thanks so much! 02:01:37 Kayla Kerner: This has been great! Thank you so much - Lyssa and CAM! 02:01:39 Lyssa deHart: Thank you so much for having me! 02:01:40 Dr. Pamela Tull: Thank you! 02:01:44 TAVI Coaching and Wellness, LLC: this was awesome, thanks! 02:02:02 Dan & Joy West: Excellent!! 02:02:04 Lesley Rappillard: Thank you! 02:02:09 Jackie: Thank-you so much!! 02:02:19 Coach Munch: Thank you Lyssa 02:02:19 SFC Europe: wonderful seminar! Thanks! 02:02:25 Deb Schellhase -: Wonderful content! Thinker and Thought partner!