CAM 502 : Establishing A Dynamic Coaching Relationship


CAM 502 is an essential class for every coach — whether your aim is a professional coaching practice or to establish coaching relationships within your ministry or professional role.

What does it take to develop a strong professional coaching relationship? It takes attention to the essentials and going beyond expectations.

In this ICF-approved course, you will learn:

  • The ethics and standards every coach must meet.
  • How to support PBC to orient around areas of strengths and high performance patterns.
  • Basics for establishing a coaching practice.
  • Contracting for results.
  • How to talk about coaching in order to attract clients.
  • The ingredients for a strong first session.
  • How to go beyond just the doing of coaching in order to really be a coach.

CAM 502 is an essential class for every coach — whether your aim is a professional coaching practice or to establish coaching relationships within your ministry or professional role.


Online – Tuesdays, starting October 15, 2024 @ 2pm ET (Julie Markese, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions)