We offer Live Training Courses On Demand Video Courses Additional Experience
Live Training Courses
Our core curriculum classes are available both online and onsite. Classes listed on this page are offered in English, unless otherwise noted next to the course title.
All 500-level courses provide 16 hours of core curriculum instruction. Online courses include twelve hours of in-class instruction and interaction and four hours of additional coaching skills practice between sessions. Onsite courses meet for 16 hours over a two-day period at various sites across North America.

CAM 500-level courses and mentor coaching cohorts are accredited by the International Coaching Federation
Course Schedule
CAM 501 Foundations for Christian Coaching – Starting Thursday, February 20 @ 4pm ET – Online (Kayla Kerner, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions)
CAM 503 Coaching Change, Transition, & Transformation – Starting Monday, February 24 @ 10am ET – Online (Julie Markese, 2 hrs, 6 sessions)
CAM 502 Establishing a Dynamic Coaching Relationship – Starting Tuesday, March 11 @ 1pm ET – Online (Amy deVries, 2 hrs, 6 sessions – no class April 8)
CAM 506 Personal Coaching – Starting Tuesday, March 18 @ 11am ET – Online (Laura Stephens-Reed, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions – no class April 22)
CAM 510 Coaching Leaders – Starting Thursday, March 20 @ 1pm ET – Online (Amy deVries, 2 hrs, 6 sessions – no class April 10 & May 1)
CAM 515 Coaching Groups – Starting Wednesday, April 2 @ 1pm ET – Online (Mary Selzer, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions)
Group Mentor Coaching – Starting Thursday, April 10 @ 1pm ET – Online (Chad Hall, 1 hr, approx. 10 sessions – no class May 22)
CAM 503 Coaching Change, Transition, & Transformation – Starting Monday EVENING, April 14 @ 8pm ET – Online (Brian Tracy, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions – no class May 26)
CAM 505 The Language of Coaching – Starting Monday, April 14 @ 10am ET – Online (Julie Markese, 2 hrs, 6 sessions)
CAM 501 Foundations for Christian Coaching – Starting Tuesday EVENING, April 29 @ 8pm ET – Online (Kayla Kerner, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions)
CAM 502 Establishing a Dynamic Coaching Relationship – Starting Thursday, May 8 @ 4pm ET – Online (Mary Selzer, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions – no class June 5)
CAM 501 Foundations for Christian Coaching – Starting Thursday, May 15 @ 1pm ET – Online (Amy deVries, 2 hrs, 6 sessions)
CAM 511 Growing Your Coaching Practice – Starting Wednesday, May 21 @ 3pm ET – Online (Brian Miller, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions)
CAM 512 Coaching and Positive Psychology – Starting Monday, June 2 @ 2pm ET – Online (Laura Stephens-Reed, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions – no class July 14)
CAM 501 Foundations for Christian Coaching – Starting Monday, June 9 @ 4pm ET – Online (Mary Selzer, 2 hrs, 6 sessions)
CAM 507 Coaching Teams – Starting Wednesday, June 25 @ 1pm ET – Online (Brian Miller, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions)
CAM 502 Establishing a Dynamic Coaching Relationship – Starting Tuesday EVENING, July 8 @ 8pm ET – Online (Mary Selzer, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions)
CAM 508 Coaching for Spiritual Growth – Starting Thursday, July 17 @ 1pm ET – Online (Amy deVries, 2 hrs, 6 sessions – no class August 14)
Group Mentor Coaching – Starting Thursday, July 24 @ 4pm ET – Online (Chad Hall, 1 hr, approx. 10 sessions)
CAM 501 Foundations for Christian Coaching – Starting Monday, August 4 @ 2pm ET – Online (Kayla Kerner, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions – no class September 1)
CAM 510 Coaching Leaders – Starting Wednesday, August 20 @ 12pm ET – Online (Brian Tracy, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions)
CAM 501 Foundations for Christian Coaching – Starting Tuesday, September 2 @ 1pm ET – Online (Amy deVries, 2 hrs, 6 sessions)
CAM 507 Coaching Teams – Starting Monday, September 8 @ 11am ET – Online (Mary Selzer, 2 hrs, 6 sessions)
CAM 506 Personal Coaching – Starting Thursday, September 4 @ 2pm ET – Online (Laura Stephens-Reed, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions)
CAM 503 Coaching Change, Transition, & Transformation – Starting Thursday, September 4 @ 4pm ET – Online (Mary Selzer, 2 hrs, 6 sessions)
CAM 505 The Language of Coaching – Starting Monday, September 8 @ 12pm ET – Online (Tracy Asamoah, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions)
Group Mentor Coaching – Starting Tuesday EVENING, September 16 @ 8pm ET – Online (Janice Fitzgerald, 1 hr, approx. 10 sessions)
CAM 509 Using Assessments in Coaching – Starting Wednesday, September 24 @ 2pm ET – Online (Chad Hall, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions)
CAM 508 Coaching for Spiritual Growth – Starting Wednesdays, October 1 @ 8pm ET – Online (David Cooke, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions)
CAM 511 Growing Your Coaching Practice – Starting Tuesday, October 7 @ 4pm ET – Online (Brian Miller, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions)
CAM 501 Foundations for Christian Coaching – Starting Thursday, October 16 @ 12pm ET – Online (Scott Gress, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions – no class November 27)
CAM 503 Coaching Change, Transition, & Transformation – Starting Thursday, October 16 @ 4pm ET – Online (Brian Tracy, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions – no class November 27)
CAM 502 Establishing a Dynamic Coaching Relationship – Starting Monday, October 20 @ 2pm ET – Online (Mary Selzer, 1.5 hrs, 8 sessions)
CAM 508 Coaching for Spiritual Growth – Starting Monday, November 3 @ 4pm ET – Online (Mary Selzer, 2 hrs, 6 sessions)
Course List

A basic foundation for understanding and practicing coaching.
Topics covered include: core coaching skills, coaching conversation model, the biblical basis for coaching, how coaching is distinct from counseling and mentoring, and how can use coaching in their ministries or workplace. You will finish the course ready and able to use coaching at a basic level.
**CAM 501, Foundations For Christian Coaching is a pre-requisite for all other Core Curriculum Live Training.

What does it take to develop a strong professional coaching relationship?
It takes attention to the essentials and going beyond expectations. In CAM 502, we teach you to do just that. In this ICF-approved course, you will learn: ICF ethics and standards, how to help PBC orient around areas of strengths and high performance patterns, the ingredients for a strong first session, and how to go beyond just the doing of coaching in order to really be a coach.

Coaching is all about change.
However, not all change is the same, and coaches need to be able to support three types of change: proactive change, transitions, and deep transformation.

formerly Coaching and the Brain as a Learning Catalyst
The human brain is a wonderful and wonderfully complex organ. Knowing how the brain works (and doesn’t work) helps coaches provide better coaching. In this course, you’ll learn the basics of neuroscience (in everyday English) and how to apply them to your coaching.

God did not think the world into existence, God spoke the world into existence.
Words matter! And the words and other language elements used in coaching matter to the growth of those you coach.

Practical tools that can be used when coaching clients in a wide range of personal, life and family issues.
Special attention is given to helping you develop the six basic components of personal coaching: goals, toleration, needs, values, boundaries, and standards.

Coaching isn’t just for individuals — it’s also ideal for teams.
In this course, you will gain an understanding of the difference between a team and other types of groups, learn how to develop authentic teams, learn the skills needed to coach teams, how to support teams in overcoming dysfunction, use team covenants, and create alliances.

This course provides you the knowledge and skills necessary to apply coaching to faith conversations so you can use coaching to support people moving closer to God and deeper in their commitment to Christ.
In this course, you’ll learn how coaching can be used to help others grow spiritually. The course introduces several spiritual growth models and coaching frameworks that support spiritual growth as well as insights on how to apply coaching informally and in challenging conversations.

This course provides an overview of various assessments, inventories, and tools for creating awareness with coaching clients.
Among the instruments addressed will be the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Leadership Practices Inventory 360 (LPI 360), CliftonStrengths (aka StrengthsFinder), and Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI). Attention is given to discerning which instruments are most useful in which client situations, what steps are necessary for utilizing various instruments, and how to promote effective client engagement with instruments.

You’re called to make a difference in the lives of leaders, but how do you bring real value to the men and women who lead others?
This course provides a framework for coaching leaders based on solid leadership principles and proven methods for helping leaders raise their performance and grow their potential. It’s perfect for coaches who work with leaders and those who want to explore leadership coaching as a coaching niche.

Too many great coaches have far too few clients.
This course aims to help you create dynamic coaching relationships in order to help you grow your coaching practice — both in terms of quality and number of clients served.

Start Coaching What’s Right With People
The field of psychology has broken its 100-year focus on pathology in the past decade by turning attention to what’s right with people. This field explores topics such as happiness, well-being, strengths, optimism and character and it is ripe for coaches. In this 16-hour course coaches will learn the basics of positive psychology, including the PERMA model, and get equipped with insights and tools to help clients live lives of greater well-being.

Your Planters Deserve Trained Coaches
Coaching church planters has its own distinctions. Planters are fundraisers, recruiters, communicators, and more. In this class, we will give 16 hours of live training (onsite or online) that give coaching models and skills specific to coaching church planters. This class is laid out with the foundation of current Church Planting best practices in mind.

Coaching a group allows a coach to help multiple clients in similar circumstances at the same time. In this course, you will learn the distinctions between individual, team, and group coaching and will be provided a step-by-step approach to designing and facilitating group coaching sessions. A highlight of the course is the hands-on group coaching experience in the final two sessions, where students will actively participate as both coaches and clients, applying the techniques they’ve learned in a real-world setting.

This is a mentor coaching process that includes ten hours of mentor coaching.
This is a mentor coaching process that includes ten hours of mentor coaching – seven hours through a group coaching/supervision cohort and three hours of one-on-one feedback coaching with at least two mentor coaches. This process is specifically intended to satisfy the mentor coaching requirement for ICF credentialing, prepare clients to successfully complete the ICF performance evaluation, and provide ongoing support as you complete the ICF Credentialing application.
On Demand Video Courses
Emotions in Coaching
Unlock the hidden power of emotions in coaching, guiding clients beyond logic and action into deeper, transformative growth.

In this ecourse, you’ll gain a level of comfort and confidence in working with emotions as a coach. You’ll learn why you should expect emotions (they are normal to the human experience!), how to explore them while staying true to coaching, and how to employ them for the benefit of your client.
Coaching for Growth
Empowers and equips you as a catalyst for growth for your clients

Whether you’re a seasoned coach or a total newbie, the lessons, resources, and encouragement you’ll gain from this course will make you a more confident, more capable, and more credible coach who can truly coach for growth.
Everything you need to know to successfully use assessments

This on-demand video course walks you through four of the best assessments on the market: The Big Five, Core Values Index, Clifton Strengths, and Conflict Styles. You’ll learn how to use them on three levels, including one where you don’t even have to give the assessment.
Evoking Awareness
Unlock Your Client’s Creative Mind

This on-demand video course will give you the skills and tools to help your clients find new awareness. The course teaches 10 practices and presents 8 tools that are effective at evoking new awareness. This course can be used as 4 hours of Resource Development/Core Competency toward renewing your ICF credential.
CAM 102: Level up to PCC
A Complete Guide to Coaching at a Professional Level

This on-demand video course will help you build your coaching to the PCC level. It also includes material on Coach the Person Not the Problem, as well as several demonstrations of PCC level coaching.
frameworks for successful coaching
A balanced approach that allows for wisdom and expertise within a true coaching relationship

This on-demand video course will help you build your own coaching framework, which will streamline your coaching and your marketing. We’ll teach you how! This course can be used as 4 hours of Resource Development/Core Competency toward renewing your ICF credential.
Asking Powerful Questions
(Our bestselling eCourse!)
Creating Client Value Through Awesome Coaching Questions

This on-demand video course is designed to help powerful questions become second nature. You can improve the quality of your questions: We’ll teach you how! This course can be used as 3 hours of Resource Development/Core Competency toward renewing your ICF credential.
Strong Starts
The low-stress, high-results way to get started with every coaching client

This on-demand video course will give you the confidence to consistently create coaching relationships that are headed in the right direction and lead to fabulous results. This course can be used as 2 hours of Resource Development/Core Competency toward renewing your ICF credential.
High Performance Patterns
Tapping Into the Power of The High Performance Pattern for You and Your Clients

High Performance Patterns (HPP) is a research-based assessment that discovers a narrative that when followed by the client leads to increased performance. This course will teach you what it is, how to discover it, and how your clients can apply it to their lives. This course can be used as 2 hours of Resource Development/Core Competency toward renewing your ICF credential.
CAM 101: Introduction To Coaching
In this course, we will lay a solid foundation for you as a Christian Coach

The course is divided into three sections: An introduction to the concept of coaching, an introduction to the skills of coaching, and a primer on how to get started as a coach.