Expressing and Expanding the Kingdom of God through Coaching

Transform Lives.

Become a
Christian Coach.

We Equip
Coaches Through

Get Certified

Like many before you, God has been bringing people to you for years – people seeking direction, in need of encouragement, or sometimes just asking for advice. You knew you were called to help, but you didn’t have a name for it.

Now you do: “Coaching

Our Christian coach training programs give you the skills to expand your calling and natural gifts, equipping you to transform lives.

Choose a Program to get Started: August 6 @ 2PM EDT

Are You Ready To Be a Coach?

Great coaching requires three key elements:


Just because you think you can coach doesn't mean you actually have what it takes.

You have to develop the skills.


Having the skills isn't enough on it's own. You will have to learn to trust the coaching process.

You have to know you have what it takes.


The people you coach need you to help them move forward, and they'll be relying on you.

They have to know you have what it takes.

When you earn the Certified Christian Leadership Coach (CCLC) designation from Coach Approach Ministries, you can have full confidence that you have the skills to coach in a way that is truly valuable and consistent with the best practices in the coaching industry, the principles of Christianity, and your own calling to transform lives.

ICF logo (capture)
ICF logo (capture)

Organizations We Have Served

Already a Coach?

Find your next step:

Become an Executive Christian Coach

It may be time to upgrade your certification to a professional level.
We have created a path for you that will set you up for professional success.

Renew Your Credentials

Whether you need to renew one of our certifications or an ICF credential,
we can help you out with CCEs and mentor coaching.

Grow Your Practice

A coach needs clients; we can help.
Check out our next Growing Your Coaching Practice class, as well as some of our free resources on the topic.

Join our community

We have a community of like-minded people who love coaching.
Our community opens our doors every February and September. Each month we offer a webinar, a coaching demo, and a learning lab.


Join Brian and Chad every week for an interesting discussion about coaching. Topics include asking better questions, getting more clients, how to improve your coaching, and much more.

Every other week Brian interviews an author or professional coach to give you another helpful perspective. Guests have included JR Briggs, Angie Ward, Reggie McNeal, Rick Richardson, and many more!

Praying for Your Clients (1)

  Even though I am a Master Certified Coach, I still procrastinate. For whatever reason, I put off reading CS Lewis’s Ransom Trilogy (aka Space Trilogy) until I was in my fifties. Once I finally got around to reading it, I was delighted with the books, and I felt like kicking myself for putting it

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Copy of Praying for Your Clients

  Every coach wants clients, and to get a steady stream of clients requires something that looks a lot like sales. The very word, sales, makes most of us cringe. In the 1980’s movie, Say Anything, John Cusack’s character Lloyd Dobler is asked by his girlfriend’s father what he wants to do with his life.

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What Difference Does a Coach Really Make 

  I am a bit embarrassed to admit that I was in my twenties before I started brushing my teeth at night.  I brushed every morning (who can stand morning breath?!), but I had just never established the habit of brushing before bed.  That changed with my first cavity and a conversation with my dentist. 

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Praying for Your Clients (1)

  Even though I am a Master Certified Coach, I still procrastinate. For whatever reason, I put off reading CS Lewis’s Ransom Trilogy (aka Space Trilogy)

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Copy of Praying for Your Clients

  Every coach wants clients, and to get a steady stream of clients requires something that looks a lot like sales. The very word, sales, makes

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What Difference Does a Coach Really Make 

  I am a bit embarrassed to admit that I was in my twenties before I started brushing my teeth at night.  I brushed every morning

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Struggle is Needed

  Sometimes coaching can be a frustrating, challenging, and tiresome job.  I experienced many of the pains of coaching all in one week recently:  Two no-show

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Creating Client Maps

  On our honeymoon, Danelle and I were traveling southeast through southern Indiana on our way to the Smoky Mountains when the road suddenly ended. Looking

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The Goodness of Limitations   (1)

  I think it was Clint Eastwood’s Dirty Harry character who quipped, “A man’s got to know his limitations.”  As coaches, we tend to be anti-limitations. 

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