
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

What Difference Does a Coach Really Make 

  I am a bit embarrassed to admit that I was in my twenties before I started brushing my teeth at night.  I brushed every morning (who can stand morning breath?!), but I had just never established the habit of brushing before bed.  That changed with my first cavity and a conversation with my dentist. 

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Struggle is Needed

  Sometimes coaching can be a frustrating, challenging, and tiresome job.  I experienced many of the pains of coaching all in one week recently:  Two no-show clients.  A client who came ready to complain, but not ready to work.  Partners and vendors who seemed hell-bent on making my job harder, not easier.  Technology woes that

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Creating Client Maps

  On our honeymoon, Danelle and I were traveling southeast through southern Indiana on our way to the Smoky Mountains when the road suddenly ended. Looking ahead, the blacktop petered out and an enormous pile of rock lay right in the middle of the road. At least, it would have, had there been a road.

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The Goodness of Limitations   (1)

  I think it was Clint Eastwood’s Dirty Harry character who quipped, “A man’s got to know his limitations.”  As coaches, we tend to be anti-limitations.  Many of our clients are held back by limiting beliefs, assumptions, and perspectives.  We often encourage clients to think bigger and to stretch beyond the constraints that they allow

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The Most Essential Characteristic - Presence

  There is no better time to be present than… well… the present. Only those who are present will affect the future, and the problem is that those who at least appear to be present, those who are often the most aggressive, aren’t the ones I hope will direct the future. Let me give you

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Are Coaches “Super Communicators”  

  New Yorker reporter Charles Duhigg is out to help you and me become better communicators.  In fact, he has uncovered some wisdom that will help us be “super communicators” – people who know how to recognize what kind of conversation they are in and then are capable of using the right skills for making

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