
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

Copy of What I Learned from being Fat

  In my work with leaders and organizations, trust is a perennial topic of coaching sessions.  This focus makes sense.  After all, when an organization is trying to perform at a high level, trust is a necessary ingredient (perhaps THE necessary ingredient).  Why?  Because the need for trust is everywhere.  It’s a factor in communication,

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Silence Inner Critic

  Tell me if this voice sounds familiar: “You’re out of your depth.” “You’re going to look like a fool.” “They aren’t going to like you if you do that.” This voice in your head is your inner critic. Everybody has one. The inner critic tends to exaggerate, but there is enough truth (and maybe

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What I Learned from being Fat

  Warning: this is not a blog post on weight loss.  You’ll need to look elsewhere for that.  Instead, this is a reflection about what I learned from steadily gaining weight over the course of about 15 years.  My hope is that what I learned might be helpful to others.  Again, I am NOT trying

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When is it Time to Quit

  Sometimes otherwise positive messages get absorbed too deeply into one’s psyche.  Here’s an example from my own life: “Winners never quit, and quitters never win.”    I grew up playing sports.  So have my three children.  I must have heard this saying over a hundred times in those contexts, and, for the most part, it

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There are no Solutions

  On my office wall hang photos of six individuals who’ve shaped my thinking (and my living). I could have twelve or eighteen photos, but I could only find six matching frames at the local discount store. And I am kind of cheap. Anyway, one of my wall-of-fame photos is of the great economist  Thomas

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Is Your Effectiveness in Balance

  Over 2,500 years ago, the great storyteller Aesop shared a short fable about a farmer whose goose suddenly started laying golden eggs. After getting rich from selling some of the eggs, the farmer decides to get all the eggs at once by killing the goose. Unfortunately, the foolish farmer ended up with no goose

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