
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

Peculiar in the Pigsty

  About an hour before the tornado destroyed his home, Craig was observing the pigs. Sometimes animals seem to know more about storm intensity than we do. He said the pigs were more agitated than usual. “I watch them for about 30 minutes every night after I feed them.” His comment caught me a bit

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How to Have Crucial Conversations

  I have often said that if coaching was simply about my coach calling me once a week and asking me three specific questions, it would be worth almost any price. Here are the three questions: Who do you need to have a tough conversation with? When are you going to have it? How did

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The Right Posture for Selling

  In 20+ years of coaching and training other coaches, there are few phrases I’ve heard more than the cry of “I don’t like having to sell myself.”  While I empathize with those who voice this concern, I also detest it.  You see, this is the refrain of the under-utilized coaches, the motto of those

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Getting out from under the Streetlight

  One of my favorite jokes is one you’ve probably heard.  It’s about a guy who’s looking for his car keys late at night along the highway.  When a friend comes by to help and asks him where he dropped the keys, the guy points 10 yards away and says, “Over there in the bushes.” 

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Make the Dream a Reality!

For the coaching session to sound like a real conversation, coaches need to go beyond the basics. In a blog post written exclusively for CAM, Trish Bussey Jeter, a sought-after speaker and leadership coach, shares four strong steps to starting a thriving coaching practice. From Trish: As children we dreamed about doing big things—anything seemed

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Three Things About Which Your Clients Really Don't Care

  No matter the profession, anyone in that profession faces an important obstacle when it comes to attracting new clients: potential clients don’t know about or care about the profession in the same way the professionals do.  This is no less true when it comes to the coaching profession.  If we’re not careful, we coaches

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