CCLC Application Fee (CMDA)


With this purchase, you are applying for the CCLC certification from CAM. You will be required to fill out an application (download here) to ensure you meet the requirements. If you do not, your money will be refunded.

When you earn the Certificate in Christian Leadership Coaching (CCLC), you signify your preparedness for coaching others forward in life, ministry, leadership and success.  This certificate is issued to students who meet the following requirements:

  • Strong Starts (2 hours of self-paced online learning)
  • CAM 501  Foundations of Christian Coaching (2 days in person or 16 hours online)
  • CAM 503  Coaching Change, Transition, and Transformation (2 days in person or 16 hours online)
  • 10 hours with a qualified ICF-credentialed mentor coach or completion of the Group Mentor Coaching.
  • Certification Fee of $75

Coaches can download the CCLC application form here.

Annual Continuing Education: completing a CAM 500-level training course, joining The Coaching Exchange, or completing the GMC process.


  • A ministry coaching credential from the most trusted name in Christian coach training
  • In-depth and personalized feedback about your coaching from experienced and ICF-certified mentor coaches
  • Learning that will your build coaching proficiency through modeling, practice, feedback, adjustment, and more practice
  • Training that meets the rigorous standards of the International Coach Federation, delivered by ICF credentialed coaches
  • Membership in the network of Certified Christian Leadership Coaches (CCLC), including being listed in the CCLC public database