Earning the Certificate in Christian Leadership Coaching Plus (CCLC Plus), not only signifies your preparedness for coaching others forward in life, ministry, leadership and success, it also provides all the coach training, mentor coaching, and assessment required to meet ICF’s requirements for the ACC credential. This in-depth Christian coach training program includes self-paced learning, real-time highly-interactive learning from leaders in Christian coaching, plus mentoring and one-on-one supervision of actual coaching sessions.
**Please note that if you have already earned your CCLC certificate, you can bridge to the CCLC Plus program. Click here to bridge from CCLC to CCLC+.
Requirements (All Included in this Package)
CCLC Plus is a complete Level 1 Coach Training Program that provides 67 hours of ICF-approved coach training along with 10 hours of mentor coaching, written feedback, and a final coaching assessment. The program takes approximately 12 months to complete while being flexible enough to be completed on your timetable.
Earn your CCLC Plus certificate with CAM by completing the CCLC certificate:
- CAM 101 – Intro to Christian Coaching (3 hours of self-paced online learning)
- CAM 501 – Foundations of Christian Coaching (16 hours online over 8 weeks)
- CAM 502 – Establishing a Dynamic Coaching Relationship (16 hours online over 8 weeks)
- 10 hours of ICF-approved mentor coaching through completion of the Group Mentor Coaching
PLUS, continue training with:
- Observed Coaching with Written Feedback
- CAM 503 – Coaching Change, Transition, and Transformation (16 hours online over 8 weeks)
- CAM 5XX – Elective, taken at any point after 501 (16 hours online over 8 weeks)
- Final Coaching Assessment graded at the ACC level (only coaches who pass the final assessment earn the CCLC+ certificate and qualify for ICF’s ACC credential)
Annual Continuing Education: After completing CAM 501, CAM 502 and GMC, you will earn your CCLC certificate. Keep your CCLC current as you continue in the CCLC Plus program — your CCLC+ work meets the continuing education requirement. **CCLC coaches with 6 or more total CAM courses will be exempt from the continuing ed requirement, but will still need to participate in annual renewal. Or complete your CCLC Plus program; the CCLC Plus certificate does not have a renewal requirement.
- A ministry coaching certificate from the most trusted name in Christian coach training
- In-depth and personalized feedback about your coaching from experienced and ICF-certified mentor coaches
- Learning that will build your coaching proficiency through modeling, practice, feedback, adjustment and more practice
- Earning the Certified Christian Leadership Coach Plus (CCLC Plus) certificate, including being listed in the CCLC Plus public database
- Training that meets the rigorous standards of the International Coach Federation, delivered by ICF credentialed coaches
- Coach training and assessment that qualifies you to apply for the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential with ICF
- You’ll complete CAM 101 on your own schedule (3 hours) anytime before your CAM 501 course begins.
- You will register CAM 501, CAM 502 and Group Mentor Coaching (GMC) to be completed consecutively with our next cohort. CAM 501 and 502 typically meet for 8 consecutive weeks (1.5 hours per session), with a 2-3 week break in between. GMC follows, meeting 1 hour for each group session, for 8-12 weeks (depending on the number of coaches enrolled).
NOTE: should you need to miss one or two class sessions of CAM 501 or CAM 502, you can make it up by watching the recording for that week. - Submit a recording for written feedback
- Consult our CAM course calendar to choose CAM 503 and your elective class options that fit your schedule.
- Courses can be taken at any pace, but an Observed Coaching with Written Feedback must occur after GMC and prior to the end of CAM 503.
- Group Mentor Coaching can be taken concurrently with other training and should be taken after completing CAM 501 and CAM 502.
- $3775 reflects a discounted price for those paying in full prior to first class. Total price if you pay as you go is $4099.
Refund Policy: For registration cancellations within 14 days before the start of a class, participants can choose to move their registration to another equivalent course offering* or receive a partial refund of 85%. Before the 14-day mark, a full refund will be given. No refund will be issued for cancellations received after the start of the course.
*GMC registration changes are contingent upon available seats and are subject to a 15% rescheduling fee.