
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

  After I asked one of my clients what she would like to work on, she began to talk about being her authentic self in various environments. My client was expressing angst at some pushback she had received in an environment that encouraged her to be her authentic self but discouraged her from acting in

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When a Client Isn't Happy

  The coach who thinks he is going to skate through the profession without ever having an unhappy client will eventually be disappointed.  There is nothing magic or holy about coaching that prevents the occasionally unhappy client.  And I suppose even magicians and priests encounter an unhappy person every now and then.  Since each of

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  How many times have you heard the command, “Just stop”? Here are three scenarios: My dad and my brother trudged into the kitchen tracking globs of mud with each step. Mom shouted, “Just stop! Take off your shoes before you track mud all over the house!” My dad said he would do whatever he

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Three Roadblocks to Getting Clients

  If you want to have a full- or part-time coaching business, you need two essentials: 1) the ability to coach effectively and 2) clients. I’ve trained hundreds and hundreds of coaches over the course of nearly two decades and I can say without a doubt which of these essentials is the bigger struggle for

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A Client with a Blind Spot

  I have a coaching client with a blind spot.  In fact, calling it a “spot” is a gross understatement.  The client is blind about how she shows up, the impact she has on those around her, and her contribution to the challenges she faces.  After a dozen coaching sessions, her blindness remains.  What do

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5 Leadership Truths About Change

  The most important two words you can know in 2022 are Adaptive Change. Adaptive Change is when a group, a team, or an organization adapt to a brand-new environment in order to continue achieving their vision. Over the last ten years, our environment has radically changed, and, over the next ten years, it will

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