
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

A Coach Approach to Maturity

  To function well on a team takes maturity. The Apostle Paul agrees: He handed out gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, and pastor-teacher to train Christ’s followers in skilled servant work, working within Christ’s body, the church, until we’re all moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in response to God’s Son,

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Glorious Imagination

  As part of my job, I listen to a lot of coaching, and I heard something the other day that grabbed my attention. The coach asked the textbook question, “What do you want to work on today?” The client shared dire physical circumstances. The situation was precarious, and the danger was real and present.

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5 Temptations of a Coach

  Life is full of temptations and some temptations are distinct to a particular calling.  For those of us called to be coaches, the temptations we face pull us away from effectiveness and toward mediocrity (or downright failure!).  The worst kind of temptation is the one we didn’t realize was a temptation – we just

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Fixing Problems with Your Client-Coach Relationship

  For several years, CAM has offered The Coaching Exchange. It is a great way to get paid coaching hours, and by joining our exchange, we will connect you with one coach and one client. This is a bartering system, and it counts as paid coaching. It has worked well for hundreds of coaches. You

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Be a Coach, Not a Cheerleader

  My high school football team was not very good.  They averaged one win per season, and the rare win usually came against a much smaller school.  However, to listen to the cheerleaders, you would have thought our team was championship caliber.   The cringe-worthy play on the field rarely altered the exuberance and positivity from

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6 Marketing Mistakes Coaches Make

  News flash: coaches must be marketers. If you’re going to be a coach who has paying clients, you must engage in some degree of marketing, otherwise, you’ll be a talented coach with nobody to coach. Even though marketing is essential to coaching, I’ve found that many (if not most) coaches do a poor job

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