
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

How to Avoid Having Only a Few, Low Paying Clients

Do your advertisements for coaching look like this? I love coaching. You will too. If you have any issue in any situation, I can help. I won’t tell you what to do but as we talk, your inner expert will come out. Here’s the ugly truth: No one will buy this. I started by coaching

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Ready for the Day

Stories bring a tremendous lift to my spirit. For Easter dinner, we drove out to my Aunt Lynn’s house which is about 5 miles south of the population 1,200 town I grew up in. After lunch, my Aunt Toni began to reminisce that by this time of day fifty years ago, they would have already

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What Is Your Answer to the Most Powerful Question Jesus Ever Asked?

Recently a student coach asked me as his client to imagine Jesus listening to our conversation and then Jesus interrupts and asks this powerful question. “What do you want me to do for you?” – Mark 10:36, 51 My coach turned this practice session into a possibility torrent. Jesus hadn’t just offered me three wishes.

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Three Leadership Lessons I Learned From Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning is unarguably one of the best quarterbacks ever to play in the NFL. At the ripe old age of 39 (that’s 115 in the NFL), he has two Super Bowl rings and the respect of every defense in the league. What I respect most is that he is always a class act, always

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How to Turn All the Lights on in the House

I see better when the lights are on. That may sound obvious, but it becomes ever more important in the middle of the night when I have some urgency to get to another room. I would urge blind people to never own a dog or have children. Both like to leave their stuff on the

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How to Pick a Great Coaching Topic

If you do enough coaching, it becomes similar to eating out too much. “Where do you want to eat?” becomes a painful question to answer. In coaching, you can come to hate the question, “What do you want to talk about today?” Some people don’t think deep enough. “I don’t know. Everything is pretty good.”

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