Blog – Competencies That Create Awareness

How does innovation happen? Usually by surprise. We often say, “You’ve stumbled onto something,” which means you got there by accident. You meant to step one direction, but something unseen made you step in a new direction. Then when you looked into this new direction, you were overwhelmed with all the possibilities. Helping people

Coaches dread hearing these three words from their client: “I don’t know.” It is the anthem of the client who is stuck. The words are often accompanied by a heavy wet blanket feeling that expresses the client’s low worth. Here are five good responses for the coach when they hear these painful words.

Coaches are communicators. We specialize in effective communication in order to draw out what’s inside our client’s head, straighten out their tangled thought noodles, and clarify the fuzzy pictures of what’s possible. And one of the most effective ways to communicate well is the use of metaphors – a figure of speech that describes an

At the beginning of every coaching session, we want to establish two truths: The client is the expert of their situation. The coach is the expert at creating new awareness in the client. If the client had full access to their expertise, they wouldn’t need a coach. They need the coach to draw the expertise

If you asked a beginner coach what a great coach does really well, the beginner coach will likely respond with “Ask great questions.” But if you ask a seasoned coach what a great coach does really well, they will very likely respond with “Listen well.” Asking and listening are the twin, interrelated skills that a

Creating awareness does not just occur from powerful questioning. Awareness can be created from most any skill used in coaching. The other day, my coach quoted a famous entrepreneur. The quote came from her listening deeply to what I was saying. When she finished the quote, I automatically made a statement about how I saw
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We’ve categorized our posts so you can learn more about specific areas of coaching.
Coaching Skills Just Beyond the Basics
Competencies That Create Awareness
Concepts That Create Distinctions
The Basics of Starting a Coaching Practice