Blog – Concepts That Create Distinctions

  I am a member of the International Coaching Federation and have been for nearly 20 years.  Our training programs at Coach Approach Ministries are approved by the ICF.  But even with my fondness for ICF, I have some beef with certain aspects of the ICF.  One of my beefs relates to how the ICF

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  Imagine a football team (American football not soccer) that has tons of talent, a great ownership team, excellent coaching, and all the potential to win lots of games and maybe even a championship.  Imagine the team’s coaching staff draws up plays that make the most of their talent while also taking advantage of the

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  Okay, so the title of this blog post is clickbait.  Coaches are crazy for questions, and we are always on the quest for a magical, miracle-working question – that question that unlocks the awareness the client really needs.  Offering readers “the best coaching question” is an overpromise of giant proportions.  Maybe I shouldn’t have

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  I dread the moment that the client loses faith. As the reality of their situation soaks in, they begin to believe that they do not have the ability to make the needed change, to confront the overwhelming obstacle, or to charge up the troops for battle. This moment is full of grief. My client

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  Once in a while you get a client who is so together it seems they cannot really benefit from coaching. This is a client who is self-aware, organized, moving forward on important projects and goals, and has healthy relationships. Sounds great, right? But what do you coach on when everything is rainbows and sunshine?

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  Jonah is the story of a caterpillar who God wraps in a transforming cocoon. The caterpillar wriggles uncomfortably through the whole process and complains constantly. Then, the cocoon tears open and out wriggles an irritated caterpillar, who never had any desire at all to be a butterfly. Why didn’t Jonah transform? What does it

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