Blog – What Makes Coaching Christian?

When I talk about coaching, someone always asks the question: “What if the client wants to do something inappropriate or illegal?” My simple response has become: “When it happens to me, I’ll answer this question, but so far, it has never happened.” I asked my friend and partner Chad Hall the same question to get

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 “Jesus looked at him and loved him.” (Mark 10:21) My High School sports coach almost always looked at me with contempt. Jesus was about to ask this rich young man to flip his life upside down, but before he makes his observation, he looks at the man, and any observer of the scene could tell

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I get a lot of questions (and quite a few comments) about coaching, especially what you might call “Christian coaching.” Through the years I’ve noticed that many of the questions stem from a handful of myths that have cropped up along the way and afflict coaches and non-coaches alike. These myths create unnecessary confusion, resistance,

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