Blog Post: Six Dimensions of Discovery


Powerful coaching occurs when the client learns something new. The client thinks new thoughts. The client becomes someone new. Our role as a coach is help them take a one-dimensional idea or issue and make it multi-dimensional.  Rather than solve the problem, we help the client see the situation in a clearer fashion. And then, the resolution of their issue often seems obvious.

The biggest movie of 2018 was Avengers: Infinity War. The plot of the movie was that the villain was trying to collect all six Infinity Stones to give him the power to do what he believed needed to be done. The back story is that each of the Infinity Stones controls an essential aspect of existence. It made me wonder if these six essential aspects of existence might help us consider how we might help our client fully discover their topic.

Now, this is a movie and not Scripture or anything of any substance. I mainly thought this exercise would be a fun way to think about creating discovery in coaching. It goes without saying that this is just a thought exercise and not any statement about the substance of the universe. If it gives me or you another great question to ask, mission accomplished.

The definitions of each stone are copied from this Wikipedia article.

Time Stone

Definition: “Allows the user to see into the past and the future; stop, slow down, speed up or reverse the flow of time; travel through time; change the past and the future; age and de-age beings, and trap people or entire universes in unending loops of time.”

The client is typically thinking about the present. The easiest move is forward. What does this look like in three years? What part of this issue will be included in your eulogy?

The time stone doesn’t just talk about moving forward and backward in time, but it talks about flow and loops. How can we use this to ask good discovery questions?

Discovery Questions:

  • What could slow down (or speed up) this issue?
  • What will be the flow of this issue as you move forward?
  • What would it look like if you could put this issue behind you?

Space Stone

Definition: “Allows the user to exist in any location; move any object anywhere throughout reality; warp or rearrange space; teleport themselves and others; increase their speed and alter the distance between objects contrary to the laws of physics.”

Most of our clients are seeing their topic through a very myopic lens. They only see what is right in front of them. We need to help them see their topic from other angles, from above and below. They need to see through the eyes of others. What is the forty-thousand-foot view? What advice would you give to a friend if this were their issue?

The Space Stone takes this idea deeper with the power to move objects, warp space, teleport anywhere, alter distance. How can we create questions that explore these deeper dimensions?

Discovery Questions:

  • If you could move parts of this closer together or farther apart, what changes would you make?
  • If you could remove a part of this issue, what would you remove?
  • If you could move to any other position, what position would you desire?

Reality Stone

Definition: “Allows the user to fulfill their wishes, even if the wish is in direct contradiction with scientific laws and do things that would normally be impossible; and create any type of alternate reality the user wishes.”

These are the dream questions. If time and money were no object, what would you do?

The Reality Stone goes deeper by allowing the user to create an alternative reality. How does this help us create a deeper question?

Discovery Questions

  • If you could wave a magic wand, what would happen?
  • God described the promised land as milk and honey. What foods would you use to describe your desired outcome?

Power Stone

Definition: “Allows the user to access and manipulate all forms of energy; enhance their physical strength and durability; enhance any superhuman ability; and boost the effects of the other five Gems.”

Power is often an unexplored issue. Most of my clients limit themselves to their own power. Who could help you with this? If Jesus asked what you want him to do, what would you tell him? Much of the New Testament is about power and Jesus freeing people from the power of sin and darkness.

The Power Stone goes deeper by enhancing one’s own power. How does that create a good question?

Discovery Questions

  • What needs to change about you to achieve this?
  • If you could pick your dream team, who would you pick?
  • Where does the power lie in this issue?

Soul Stone

Definition: “Allows the user to steal, control, manipulate, and alter living and dead souls.”

Alright. We’re not going to do that, but let’s think about soul. Soul is about what is indestructibly human. Discoveries around soul may be the most important dimension you can explore.

Discovery Questions

  • How does this move you closer to what God created you to do?
  • What about this will last beyond you?
  • What’s underneath this issue that makes it important?

Mind Stone

Definition: “Allows the user to enhance their mental and psionic abilities and access the thoughts and dreams of other beings.”

Besides having a brain in our head, our brain exists in at least two other places. There are neurons (brain cells) in our heart and in our gut. What we’ve known for millennia has been proven by science. We know things in our heart and in our gut. What is your gut feeling? What does your heart tell you?

It might even sound a little “woo woo,” but I’ve been known to ask my clients where the issue resides in their body. Their answer doesn’t tell me anything, but it gives them a new perspective to wonder why they can feel this issue in their gut, in the small of their back, on their shoulders, in their neck, sitting on their chest, and so on. It is a new awareness.

Discovery Questions

  • Where is this topic settling in your body?
  • Who does your brain tell you to trust?

Conclusion: I don’t know if this created any good questions or not. We don’t want a list of questions, but it does help to have some dimensions of how to expand a client’s thinking. It also was a fun exercise for me to write down some questions and consider these other dimensions. It may even help me to know how they are going to reverse Thanos’ destruction in the next Avenger’s movie. Maybe not.

1 thought on “Six Dimensions of Discovery”

  1. Hi Brian! This was such a fun and creative way of visually helping us see the dimensions of discovery in coaching. I also really like how you are using Scripture with these kinds of questions. Asking “where is this topic settling in your body?” is also an interesting way to bring new awareness to the client. I never thought of doing that before. That’s why I read CAM blogs. Also, I just became a bigger Avengers fan. I hope Marvel is sending you a check Brian.

    Thanks CAM!

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