
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

Coaching Introverts

  A few weeks ago, I started a series focused on coaching clients based on personality preferences.  After a short break in May, it’s time to pick the topic back up with some attention to coaching introverts. Remember, the distinction between extroverts and introverts relates to one’s preferred ways of gaining and directing energy.  Extroverts’

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Do Coaches Ask Too Many Questions_

  The International Coach Federation recently announced a change to their list of core competencies. The list and descriptions for each competency help coaches know what’s expected of a coach. The new list has eight competencies while the previous list had eleven. The only somewhat surprising change? The new list drops “Powerful Questioning”. Hmmm. Brian

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Three Ways to Make Healthy Observations

  Coaching is not telling, at least that is what we reinforce with beginning coaches. The telling coach gives answers rather than creates awareness. The telling coach creates dependence rather than fostering responsibility. The telling coach is the easiest coach to ignore. New coaches learn that awareness can be created by asking powerful questions –

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Listening Synthesis

  If you asked a beginner coach what a great coach does really well, the beginner coach will likely respond with “Ask great questions.” But if you ask a seasoned coach what a great coach does really well, they will very likely respond with “Listen well.” Asking and listening are the twin, interrelated skills that

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Ask Butter Questions

  How does innovation happen? Usually by surprise. We often say, “You’ve stumbled onto something,” which means you got there by accident. You meant to step one direction, but something unseen made you step in a new direction. Then when you looked into this new direction, you were overwhelmed with all the possibilities. Helping people

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Coaching Anxious Leaders

  Recently, a church hired me to help them transition after the unexpected death of their pastor. My heart broke for them as they grieved this tremendous loss. As I pastored them, it became apparent that they were grieving more than they were transitioning. The congregation had dwindled due to COVID, division, and death until

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