
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

Wait I can do that_

  A friend of mine who is starting his professional coaching journey told me recently he thinks he is a worse coach now than before he started getting trained. Another coach I am working with has had the challenge of finding her niche and integrating the skillset of coaching with her experience and passion as

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A Simple Assessment for Coaching Leaders

  When coaching a leader, there are two immediate aspects to assess. One is organizational direction. The other is the mood of the followers. 1. Where are we going? 2. How do people feel about it? Each question should affect the other. Some leaders decide where the organization is going with little to no input

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7 Coaching Skills Anyone Can Use

  Mention the word “coach” to a group and a host of images will pop into the collective mind. Some will think of a former high school athletic coach; others will think of a life coach they saw on Oprah; and a few will think of the executive business coach who writes books and helps

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Coach, You Need a Coach

  If you’re a coach, you believe everyone needs a coach. Part of this conviction comes from what you have experienced in your coach training. You have seen the impact and power of coaching in people’s lives. You have discovered a coaching conversation with even a little bit of skill can have some pretty amazing

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Living to Show

  Who would have thought that selling a home could teach an eternal lesson? As my husband and I prepared to move to another state, we discovered one of the main stress factors is selling and buying a house. The realtor’s demands didn’t help. He instructed us to remove anything personal, like photos and cluttery

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Discovering Your Ideal Self

  All too often coaching clients want to focus mostly on what they have (or don’t have). Having is not a bad focus. After all, lots of things can go in the category of have: money, status, family, peace, career, pleasure, victory, sobriety, health, freedom, etc. Like it or not, discussions of having often give

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