
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

benefits of coaching

  A couple of days ago, I was on a conference call with a group of coaches. As part of our introduction, we were invited to share what we love about being a coach. One coach replied how she loved watching the light bulb go off in her clients as they gain new insights and

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Two Types of Coaching Failure

  The last sentence of Robert Frost’s famous poem concludes: “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” It is a beautiful sentiment. It is romantic. It promises glory and depth and fulfillment. People who take this road equally inspire

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You can be more curious

  The modern proverb “Curiosity killed the cat” showed up on the scene in the late 1800’s. It was a warning against investigating too deeply into things. If you didn’t heed this wisdom, it was going to kill you! That’s a pretty dire warning. But when it comes to coaching, curiosity is the key. Having

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Coaching Rules Gone Too Far

  Lately, I’ve noticed people are afraid of the word “me.” I don’t mean they are concerned about narcissism or they are anti-self in some deep, ontological way. No, I’ve noticed people literally avoid saying the word me, and will conduct grammatical loop de loop maneuvers to evade this two-letter terror. For example: “The teacher

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Client in an Anxious System

  Rita came into a recent coaching session in an emotional low boil. She was frustrated, a bit angry, and somewhat scared. Why? Because the day before she’d experienced an awful meeting with her supervisor – someone fairly new to the organization who’d made it his business to micro-manage her every move. Rita’s supervisor wanted

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Coaching ROI

  If you’re not familiar with some business jargon, you might wonder what that typo is in the title of this post. ROI is shorthand for “Return on Investment” and it’s a quick way of expressing the concern that what I put into something (Investment) needs to get me some results (Return). The term is

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