
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

Coaching Adaptive Challenges

We are living through a turbulent period in history. The culture is changing with lightening speed through technology and cultural shifts. In some ways, the culture is moving backward a couple thousand years, and in other ways, we are seeing something totally new. This turbulence is wreaking havoc on today’s leaders. The church in North

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5 coaching heresies

  If you’re like most coaches, when you first got into coaching you were amazed at how effective (and how counter-intuitive!) the whole discovery methodology really is.  Many of us come from a strong background in delivery – I have the truth and I deliver it to those who need it.  So the switch to

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Why I left facebook

A few months ago, after years of participating on Facebook, I felt compelled to leave. There is lots of data supporting why Facebook is not a healthy connection, including stories of the leaders of these data giants not letting their children use the network. But before I go further, let me also say that I’ve

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Prime the Pump for Action

Leaders in the volunteer world are becoming very frustrated because: Nobody is stepping up. Nobody is pulling their weight. Nobody seems to care anymore. Leaders are ready to quit, or at least, coast. They become less willing to have tough conversations. They become complainers rather than inspirers. As a coach, I’m here to remind them

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How Much are you worth_

Last year there was an internet meme (is that what it’s called?) about how Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos earns a gazillion dollars a second (approximately) while some Amazon employees struggle to get by and others rely on food stamps because they can’t make ends meet on what they earn.  The contrast was meant to vilify

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Naming the Topic is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

A fatal mistake for a coach is to hear the client’s topic and assume you know how to proceed. The topic needs to be held lightly. It is your first glimpse of a mystery, and you don’t even know what aspect of the mystery you’ve observed. Many analogies come to mind. Ninety percent of an

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