
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern


Recently I had a family member get scammed.  I won’t share exactly who (out of respect); suffice it so say that it was a close family member, but not a member of my household.  After clicking what appeared to be an interesting Facebook link, she immediately got a warning on her screen notifying her that

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Time Management

A client calls, and his topic is Time Management. He is pastoring part-time, working on a degree, holding down a full-time job, and caring for his aging mother. Nothing is getting his full attention, and so he’d like to figure out how to squeeze one more drop out of that already parched clock. I yell

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Three Questions

Every coaching conversation is different: different client, different context, different topic, etc.  Coaches have to be able to flex and adapt to all those differences in order to provide valuable coaching.   But while every coaching conversation will unfold in its own unique way, there are some things that need to happen in practically every coaching

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See the World

Hopefully by the time this blog goes live the Supreme Court saga here in the United States will be over.  If not, I am sorry for us all and I (somewhat) regret bringing our attention to it one more time.  While this episode in American politics is far from our finest, it does provide an

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16. Toilet

I appreciate clear agreements. When you drive through at Steak-n-Shake, they tell you, “This isn’t fast-food.” I know not to expect to whiz right through the line. This is helpful. Sometimes when I give the message at a funeral, I inform the family, “It’s ok to cry. It’s ok to laugh. There will be times

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Chaos and Order in Coaching

I’m currently re-reading Jordan Peterson’s significant book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.  Peterson, an outspoken psychologist and professor at the University of Toronto, shares observations from the fields of science, psychology, history, philosophy and religion in a book that’s an example of the self-help genre at its best.  He’s an interesting person

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