
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

Three Questions

Every coaching conversation is different: different client, different context, different topic, etc.  Coaches have to be able to flex and adapt to all those differences in order to provide valuable coaching.   But while every coaching conversation will unfold in its own unique way, there are some things that need to happen in practically every coaching

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Who Do I Talk to About Quitting

  When I was 10 or 11 years old, I went out for Little League Football. I’m sure my older brothers played football, but they were much older and weren’t playing when my turn came. My dad was never overly involved in my sports so that left mom to prepare me for football. It was

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Getting People Off the Bus

If you haven’t faced this challenge as a leader yet…just hold on – you will. In our work with leaders and teams of organizations, we find this to be one of the most difficult things for a leader to do – perhaps especially in ministry organizations. What am I talking about? Firing a staff member!

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Stop Getting Lost in Conversations

Far too frequently I get an email or voicemail that leaves me scratching my head and a bit frustrated.  The common thread?  No context. Just last week I got a short email from a somewhat familiar name asking for a meeting.  The email pretty much read, “I would like to talk.  Let me know when

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Prime the Pump for Action

Leaders in the volunteer world are becoming very frustrated because: Nobody is stepping up. Nobody is pulling their weight. Nobody seems to care anymore. Leaders are ready to quit, or at least, coast. They become less willing to have tough conversations. They become complainers rather than inspirers. As a coach, I’m here to remind them

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You Gotta Believe!

For the last few months I’ve been writing about the relationship between good coaching mindsets and great coaching skillsets. It is my belief that the most effective way to build great coaching skills is to adopt some basic coaching mindsets than can really add power to your coaching conversations and coaching relationships. In my final

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