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Our most recent webinar: Be the Unicorn: 12 Data-Driven Habits That Separate the Best Leaders from the Rest

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One of the four ways you grow into becoming a great coach is through training, which includes reading! The Partners at Coach Approach Ministries are pioneers and leaders in the field of Christian coaching, and below are some of the books our team members have written.

Please note: when you purchase a book from Amazon using a link on this page, CAM receives a very small referral fee from Amazon. This doesn’t cost you any extra, but in the interest of full disclosure, we want you to know about it.

In this short e-book, CAM Partner Chad Hall, MCC outlines 8 specific ways coaches need to think. When you think like a coach, the techniques for coaching well just come naturally and produce great results for those you work with.

If you know what coaching is and you’re ready to take your coaching several steps closer to mastery, this Amazon bestseller is for you.

In this short eBook, Chad Hall shares the 5 Stages of Learning to Coach (stages which parallel learning any new language), unpacks 5 Shifts That Promote Fluency, and then explores 7 Language Elements for Powerful Coaching. Chad has trained thousands of coaches around the world and this eBook is filled with straightforward, practical, and sometimes humorous insights that will move you closer to coaching mastery.

In this short eBook, CAM Partner Chad Hall, MCC walks you through three levels of coaching: beginner, better and transformational. For each level, he provides a sense of where the coach focuses, the types of question the coach asks and what kind of results you can expect.

Chad also offers guidance on two elements essential to coaching for transformation: how to add creativity to your coaching and what to do when the client expresses emotion.

CAM Partners Chad Hall, MCC and Bill Copper, PCC teamed up with Kathryn McElveen, PCC to address the intersection of coaching and discipleship/evangelism.

Faith Coaching teaches you to leverage the power of coaching conversations to help others find and follow their spiritual path.

When Christian leaders want to learn how to coach and how to apply coaching in the church, this is the book they turn to.

CAM Partners Linda Miller, MCC and Chad Hall, MCC co-authored this book to help Christian leaders of all sorts learn and apply coaching in order to further Christ’s kingdom.

CAM Partner Linda Miller, MCC partnered with Madeleine Homan Blanchard to write this extensive booked aimed at helping you learn the secret to success in your business coaching program.

How can your company experience an “observable” return on investment through its coaching program? This powerful guide is designed to help executive coaches and managers implement programs that work for their organizations.

CAM Partner Jane Creswell draws from her extensive corporate and ministry coaching experience to provide ministers and other church leaders a clear definition of what coaching is and the seven basic benefits an individual, church, or group can receive through a qualified coach.

Recommended Course Reading

To make the most of your coach education, you’ll want to supplement the class training with reading from these selected texts, curated for each of our training courses.  You can find each title on Amazon.

CAM 501 – Foundations for Christian Coaching

  • Coaching for Christian Leaders by Miller and Hall
  • Co-Active Coaching by Kimsey-House, et al.

CAM 502 – Establishing a Dynamic Coaching Relationship

  • Patterns of High Performance by Jerry Fletcher (1993, Berrett-Koehler Publishers)
  • Getting Started in Personal and Executive Coaching: How to Create a Thriving Coaching Practice, by Stephen G. Fairley and Chris E. Stout

CAM 503 – Coaching Change, Transition and Transformation

  • Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change, 3rd edition by William Bridges (2009, Da Capo Lifelong Books)
  • Masterful Coaching, 3rd edition by Robert Hardgrove (2008, Pfeiffer, 3rd edition)

CAM 504 – The Neuroscience of coaching

  • Brain-Based Learning: The New Paradigm of Teaching, 2nd edition by Eric Jenson (2008, Corwin Press)
  • Conversational Intelligence by Judith Glasser

CAM 505 – The Language of Coaching

  • Coach the Person, Not the Problem by Chad Hall, MCC

CAM 506 – Personal Coaching

  • The Heart of Coaching: Using Transformational Coaching to Create a High-Performance Coaching Culture by Thomas Crane (2007, FTA Press)
  • The COACH Model for Christian Leaders: Powerful Leadership Skills to Solve Problems, Reach Goals, and Develop Others by Keith Webb (2012, CreateSpace)

CAM 507 – Coaching Teams

  • Coaching in Organizations by Miller and Blanchard
  • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni (2002, Josey-Bass)

CAM 508 – Coaching for Spiritual Growth

  • Christ-Centered Coaching: 7 Benefits for Ministry Leaders by Jane Creswell (2006, Lake Hickory Resources)
  • Faith Coaching: A Conversational Approach to Helping Others Move Forward in Faith by Chad Hall, Bill Copper, and Kathryn McElveen (2009, Coach Approach Ministries)

CAM 509 – Using Assessments in Coaching

  • Living Your Strengths: Discover Your God-Given Talents and Inspire Your Community, by Donald Clifton,  et al (2004, Gallup)

CAM 510 – A Coach Approach to Leading and Managing

  • Adaptive Coaching: The Art and Practice of a Client-centered Approach to Performance Improvement by Terry Bacon and Karen Spears (2003, Davies-Black Publishing)
  • Silos, Politics and Turf Wars by Patrick Lencioni (2006, Josey-Bass)
  • Leadership and the One-Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard (200, Harper Collins)

CAM 511 – Growing Your Coaching Practice

  • Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart by Mary Beth O’Neill (2000, Josey-Bass)

CAM 512 – Coaching and Positive Psychology

  • Flourish by Martin Seligman

CAM 513 – Coaching Church Planters

Client Resources

We are very proud of our coaches. Our coaches have met our requirements to prove that they can coach at a level that will serve you well. All of our ECC and CCLC coaches are listed below.

This section is meant for the coaching client. We want to help prepare you to have the best coaching relationship possible. That is why we are making four helpful resources available to you:

  1. A Short Sample Coaching Demonstration — Most coaching sessions are 45 minutes to an hour. We have made a shortened version available here so you can hear how a typical coaching conversation goes. It may surprise you to see how the coach gives little to no advice and yet draws so much out of the client.
  2. A Podcast on ‘How To Be The Best Coaching Client’ which we believe will directly help you to have the best coaching session possible.
  3. A Coaching Prep Form — This downloadable Word document is easy to fill out before your coaching session and will help you get the most out of your experience.
  4. How to Pick a Great Coaching Topic — You can find an article on how to know what to talk about with your coach at our blog.

Download Client Prep Form

Do a Little Homework to Prepare for Your Session

It’s amazing how much a little homework can improve your coaching sessions. As a great client, download this form and answer the questions on the sheet. If you are feeling really good, email the form to your coach before the session.


Join Brian and Chad every week for an interesting discussion about coaching. Topics include asking better questions, getting more clients, how to improve your coaching, and much more.

Every other week Brian interviews an author or professional coach to give you another helpful perspective. Guests have included JR Briggs, Angie Ward, Reggie McNeal, Rick Richardson, and many more!

Copy of Praying for Your Clients

  Every coach wants clients, and to get a steady stream of clients requires something that looks a lot like sales. The very word, sales, makes most of us cringe. In the 1980’s movie, Say Anything, John Cusack’s character Lloyd Dobler is asked by his girlfriend’s father what he wants to do with his life.

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What Difference Does a Coach Really Make 

  I am a bit embarrassed to admit that I was in my twenties before I started brushing my teeth at night.  I brushed every morning (who can stand morning breath?!), but I had just never established the habit of brushing before bed.  That changed with my first cavity and a conversation with my dentist. 

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Struggle is Needed

  Sometimes coaching can be a frustrating, challenging, and tiresome job.  I experienced many of the pains of coaching all in one week recently:  Two no-show clients.  A client who came ready to complain, but not ready to work.  Partners and vendors who seemed hell-bent on making my job harder, not easier.  Technology woes that

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Creating Client Maps

  On our honeymoon, Danelle and I were traveling southeast through southern Indiana on our way to the Smoky Mountains when the road suddenly ended. Looking

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The Goodness of Limitations   (1)

  I think it was Clint Eastwood’s Dirty Harry character who quipped, “A man’s got to know his limitations.”  As coaches, we tend to be anti-limitations. 

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The Most Essential Characteristic - Presence

  There is no better time to be present than… well… the present. Only those who are present will affect the future, and the problem is

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Are Coaches “Super Communicators”  

  New Yorker reporter Charles Duhigg is out to help you and me become better communicators.  In fact, he has uncovered some wisdom that will help

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Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

  After I asked one of my clients what she would like to work on, she began to talk about being her authentic self in various

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Be Kind to Your Clients

  A phrase I keep hearing over and over lately was made prominent by author Brené Brown: clear is kind; unclear is unkind.  The context for

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