
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

Upgrading Your Life OS

  Ugh!  It has happened once again: my “new” computer cannot upgrade to the latest Apple operating system (OS). I feel like I just got the desktop computer, but in reality, I’ve had it since 2013.  Now begins a slow decline.  From here forward, the number of apps and features my computer will not support

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The Second Question Determines the Client's Gear

  The Brain Has Three Gears – Park, Discovery, and Regurgitate A peek into the client’s brain reveals a gear shift. There are three gears marked on the dashboard. One starts with P, another with D, and the last with R. Just like on a car, the P stands for Park. We need to get

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Lead Follow Collaborate

  Many of our readers coach clients who serve within organizations such as businesses or churches.  In these settings, I’ve noticed three roles that can be helpful to explore with clients.  Broadly speaking, there are three ways one can engage others when it comes to making and carrying out decisions: lead, collaborate, and follow. Lead.

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What's reqd for transformation

  Jonah is the story of a caterpillar who God wraps in a transforming cocoon. The caterpillar wriggles uncomfortably through the whole process and complains constantly. Then, the cocoon tears open and out wriggles an irritated caterpillar, who never had any desire at all to be a butterfly. Why didn’t Jonah transform? What does it

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Make More Mistakes

  Matthew Emmons was just one shot away from winning his second Olympic Gold medal. It was a mere 50-meters away, a shot he has hit over and over again in the past 9 years of biathlon competitions. He lined up the shot, pulled the trigger, hit the center of the target. With that shot

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Business grows the leader

  Like many readers of the CAM blog, I have the privilege (and responsibility) of coaching business owners and leaders.  My business clientele ranges from the owner of a 2-person pressure washing business to the ownership team of a $200 million energy company.  And there’s lots of variety in between those two examples.  Whatever the

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