
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

Coaching Immorality

  Have you had that uncomfortable coaching conversation yet? You know, the one where the client starts talking about a subject that stretches you because it pushes up against your convictions, values, beliefs? It might even seem to step across moral, legal and ethical boundaries you have. And yet, you are the coach, they are

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Work on today

  My opening coaching question has changed. I used to ask: “What would you like to talk about today?” Now I ask: “What would you like to work on today?” It may seem like a subtle shift. The word “talk” is replaced by the word “work.” Yet it is anything but subtle. It defines the

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A Framework for the New Normal

  The snow was piled as high as the house. The electric lines had frozen and snapped. And the road grader which was sent to plow a path for us had gotten stuck and would remain stuck for about a month. It was an unnatural beacon of despair parked right across the road from our

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Coaching When There’s Not Much Time

  In most of our coach training classes we ask students to coach one another, typically in 30-minute windows of time, but sometimes in as little as 10 minutes. Many coaches find it difficult to conduct a coaching session in such a narrow span of time. And some of us even struggle to conclude a

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  Have you ever lost control of your coaching conversation before it even really started? I have. Twenty minutes into the hour I’m thinking – “Wow, how did we get…nowhere?” Section B of the updated ICF Core Competencies – Co-Creating The Relationship – addresses the need for the coach to work with the client to

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Your clients are not rational

  Much of what we do as coaches involves helping clients make decisions and then take action. Typically, the decision is some form of “What should I do about ___?” The coaching relationship creates a powerful space in which a client can consider an issue, really focus on the core concern of the issue, and

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