
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

First 100 hours

  In August of 2019, I decided I wanted to be a life coach when I grew up. Since I was pushing 53, I thought it best to expedite the process. My wife and I had recently sold Rock-N-Water, a Christian adventure camp we co-founded 29 years earlier. We loved our jobs there and both

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Coaching in a Climate of Fear

  “Choices have to be made.” This was the response my friend Nick texted back to me of the picture I took walking through the grocery store recently. I had walked by the toilet paper aisle and it was empty – except for two rolls of paper towels and – wait for it – a

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Listening Synthesis

  If you asked a beginner coach what a great coach does really well, the beginner coach will likely respond with “Ask great questions.” But if you ask a seasoned coach what a great coach does really well, they will very likely respond with “Listen well.” Asking and listening are the twin, interrelated skills that

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How to Ace the CKA

  This post originally appeared on Michael Cheuk’s website in March 2017. I recently took the ICF’s Coach Knowledge Assessment exam (CKA). This online multiple-choice exam was part of the requirement for me to receive my Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential with the International Coaching Federation. Several of my fellow coaches are also taking the

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Attitude Adjustments

  The great philosopher Bocephus (Hank Williams, Jr.) once pined about how some people need an “Attitude Adjustment.” The wildly politically incorrect song describes various occasions when an intoxicated or otherwise out of control individual is steered in the right direction via the corrective application of physical force. In other words, a rowdy person gets

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The Secret Power of Naps

  I was once interviewed by a regional newspaper on the topic of napping. Since I served as an internal coach for a very progressive, forward-thinking technology company, the paper thought that perhaps I’d have something to share on the topic of napping as a way to boost performance. I did have something to share.

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