
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

  The Christian world is gaga for Enneagram. I’m a bit of a skeptic, but of course as a Five, I would be. (The Enneagram labels nine personality types by number. I’m a Five, the investigator.) Christian coaches might want to have some familiarity since many of your clients may refer to numbers as information.

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false synonyms

  One of our mantras at CAM (and we have many) goes like this: “the brain is an incredible pattern-matching machine.” We say this often because coaching relationships often bump up against this truth. Sometimes it’s a friendly bump and other times it’s a hurtful collision. The human brain wants to match the novel to

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Writing an Email to a Potential Client

  People buy a toaster from people they don’t know. They prefer buying a toaster from someone they don’t know. They will buy it online from a search or pick it up at Wal-Mart and use the self-checkout. They need to be sold on how this toaster is better than the one right next to

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4 ways to make the coaching life easier

  Most coaches get into this business because they want to help others and enjoy doing so. But let’s face it, sometimes the joy leaks and coaching becomes a job. The main culprit? Like any professional service, coaching has its share of mundane tasks, meaningless matters, and otherwise maddening obstacles. The dark side of the

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Why fussing doesn't motivate

  Charlene is a good manager, but not great. She knows the business (furniture manufacturing) inside and out, can run pretty much any piece of equipment in the plant, and has an uncanny grasp of materials, costs, and personnel. So what keeps her from being great? Her preferred method of motivating is negative. Charlene is

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feedback loop

  I was having breakfast with a friend recently and he was sharing some marriage building advice for husbands he had heard from a well-known Christian teacher. This teacher said that husbands need to solicit feedback from their wife about how they are doing as a husband. That’s pretty simple. My friend was thinking to

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