
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

The Power of Compounding Effort

Maybe all of your coaching clients are “eagles” – they set goals, work hard, never quit, and live with an awesome level of intentionality.  Good for you; you can stop reading now. For the rest of us, we have clients (as well as that person staring at us from the mirror) who struggle to clarify

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Communication Mistake

Have you ever sat in a meeting and wondered, “What is this about?”  I don’t mean in some existential crisis sort of way, but in a purpose sort of way.  I have.  In fact, this happens in at least half the meetings I attend.  I sit there as someone (often the team leader or person

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11. Accountable

I think it was Mark Twain who said the difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—it’s the difference between the lightning-bug and the lightning.  Sometimes what seems like a small matter is a really big deal.  Such is the case with distinctions in coaching. Distinctions help a

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4. Believing a Lie

It is disturbing when you find out your beliefs aren’t true. Our reality is often determined more from our beliefs than from objective truth, and surprisingly we don’t always know the difference. These beliefs are mostly developed during our youth when we are the most impressionable. For me, the hotbed development of my beliefs was

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Not working

Coaches provide clients new awareness, and sometimes it is the coach who needs the awareness. The most frustrating aspect of coaching is not the coaching. It is everything else. And who knew how much “everything else” there would be? Unfortunately, it is the rare coach who has clients knocking at all hours on their door.

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Okay, so the year has not yet concluded, but I’m already thinking of the books I’ve enjoyed and/or benefited from this year.  Since I love reading other peoples’ lists of favorite books, I thought I’d compile my own.  Some of these are not new, many have little to do with coaching, and others may be

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