
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

website suck

I tell my kids not to use the word “suck,” and yet there it is in the title of this blog post. Yikes! Why did I use such strong and colorful language? Because desperate times call for desperate measures. You see, some coaching websites are just so bad there is no other way to describe

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Undefined Roles

Roger wants to pull out what little hair he has left. Frustrations have been rising all week, threatening to pour out over his lower eyelids or through a violent release of his vocal cords. “This transition was supposed to make things easier! I’m pretty sure this is not the definition of easier,” he confides to

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Z Goal

In coaching we often talk about helping clients go “from A to B.”  In those conversations, “B” is the next place, the next stage, the next reality the client wants to experience.  We all need a sense of what’s next, so we need to know where we are (“A”) and where we want to be

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check baggage

I’m standing at the baggage claim area in Toronto, Ontario waiting for my luggage to arrive. I don’t often check luggage when I travel, but on this occasion it was necessary, and I’m reminded again of why I don’t often check luggage when I travel!!! While standing there, I started thinking about the reasons for

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coaching disagreements

What’s the last real disagreement you had with someone?  Maybe it was a disagreement over politics, or football.  Maybe it was the politics of football.  Perhaps you disagreed on the vision of your church, the strategy your team should take at work, what kind of vehicle to buy (avoid the minivan!), or how best to

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too smart

In case you haven’t noticed, people are different. While every human has the same worth and dignity before God, we differ in other ways, including intelligence. I’m about to talk about intelligence, and before doing so I just want to be clear that one’s intelligence neither contributes to nor detracts from one’s worth. Okay, now

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