
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

Rut vs Grave

By Dr Brent Sleasman, President of Winebrenner Theological Seminary ( “The only difference between a rut and a grave are the dimensions” – attributed to Ellen Glasgow I’m in a bit of a rut right now.  Our organization has just come through a series of big decisions and the adrenaline is slowing as I take

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I’m sitting on the plane next to a bully. I had a different name, but I realize the context within which many of you are reading this post. (If you’re curious, the name I first thought of has two words. First word starts with J. Second word starts with A). I have been flying quite

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90 % success

Ethan flicked his strawberry blonde hair with a quick head jerk to the right. He wanted to be able to see clearly as his body slipped into the weight machine. Exercise had never been his thing. He was a band geek, and band geeks were exempt from High School P.E. But there he sat, getting

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Meetings Suck

If you are gainfully employed or if you volunteer at church or some other organization, chances are you attend meetings.  Most normally sane people do not care too much for meetings.  Ask for adjectives to describe typical meetings and you’ll get a laundry list of pejoratives: long, boring, waste of time, frustrating, etc. Why do

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Coach Yourself

One of the unique characteristics of a coaching relationship – as distinct from other helping relationships – is the opportunity for the coach to learn and grow in the process of helping clients learn and grow. In most other helping relationships the “provider” of services is leveraging her/his superior experience, knowledge, or training to help

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Biggest Challenge

Okay, so maybe this isn’t a coach’s biggest challenge, but it’s at least in the Top 10 for many of us: coaching a topic we know a lot about. For new coaches, this might sound very counter-intuitive. After all, it seems like a far bigger challenge would come from coaching on a topic you know

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