
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

Sing the Right Song

“Well I raised a lot of Cain back in my younger days, while Mama used to pray my crops would fail.” Those opening lyrics from a great old Merle Haggard song paint such a vivid image every time I hear it. And while, I don’t necessarily relate to the theme of those lyrics, I do

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3 Secrets

The number one question I hear from coaches is simple: how do I get paying clients?  Sometimes the question is asked of me after a coaching class in a hushed whisper as if the coach is a bit embarrassed to admit she doesn’t know the answer.  Other times the question comes as almost a bold

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Voted Out

There is something deep in us that resists change. We say we want a new congress, but rarely do we vote anyone out. (There are exceptions.) And then, even our new congressional representative has difficulty in changing anything. This resistance to change certainly makes our job as a coach very difficult, but also gives us

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Helpful Graphic

One of the most helpful ways to understand coaching more clearly is by distinguishing what coaching is from what coaching is not.  Coaching is not mentoring, counseling, consulting or just being a friend.  Coaching is not telling people what to do.  Coaching is not being someone else’s expert. One of the best ways I’ve found

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Control vs Influence

I’ll never forget that day. It was during the Thanksgiving season and my oldest son was home from college for the long weekend. I was fairly new to coaching at the time and my relationship with Chuck could be characterized this way: I would tell him what he should do….he wouldn’t do it….and then we

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Shallow Change

Kevin came into the coaching relationship eager for change – deep change that would create new contours in his character and prepare him for something big, bold, and life-altering.  I admired his willingness to look deep within himself and the humility behind his openness to not just do things differently but to be someone different. 

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