
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

The Art of BEING a Great Coach

There is a difference between being a coach and doing coaching, just as there is a difference between being a pastor and doing the job of pastoring. I just finished up teaching an online class called Building a Dynamic Coaching Relationship with excellent, deep thinking students. During our last class, we discussed “What do you

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7 Ideas for Jump Starting Your Coaching Practice

One of my hobbies is an old Jeep that I sometimes drive and often work on. I’m no certified mechanic, but I can take care of the one thing that the Jeep most often needs: a jump start. Jeeps aren’t the only things that sometimes need a jump start. The same is true for relationships,

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Six Ways Coaches Mess Up When It Comes to Marketing

  If you’re a coach (or consultant or counselor or any kind of professional service provider), you’re also a marketer. Well, let me be more precise: If you’re a coach with paying clients, you’re also a marketer. You see, someone could be the best coach in the world, but if nobody knows them, they aren’t

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A Coach Reflects on the Birth of Christ

When I talk about coaching, someone always asks the question: “What if the client wants to do something inappropriate or illegal?” My simple response has become: “When it happens to me, I’ll answer this question, but so far, it has never happened.” I asked my friend and partner Chad Hall the same question to get

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Ask More Powerful Questions

I was recently asked by someone who really enjoyed my last post “The Best 15 Minute Coaching Session Ever,” how often I write these types of posts. I answered that I write a weekly blog post which I publish monthly. In other words, I’m writing a blog post a month when I want to be

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Give Your Client a Little Extra Push

In this post, I’d like to share with you some helpful insights related to issuing a challenge to your client. A challenge is an idea you (the coach) come up with that you suggest to your client. Let me start with a recent example. A few weeks ago I was coaching a young lady on

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