
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

How to Clean Up Your Mess in Two Days

Why doesn’t anyone come to our church?  Why is it so difficult to find a job?  Or as I remember high school, why was it so hard to get a date?!  We begin to think that success is impossible. I love the TV show Restaurant Impossible.  Chef Robert Irvine comes into a failing restaurant and

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The One Question to Never Ask

Coaching is all about questions.  Questions help people sort out their thinking.  But one question we try not to ask is “Why?”  And it is the question we want to ask, isn’t it? Why did you make that choice? Why can’t you let that go? Why can’t you get here on time?  “Why questions tend

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Unique Situations Are PERFECT for Coaching

Your situation is unique.  Absolutely nobody has the exact same situation.  But plenty of people have advice for your situation.  They would like you to do “this” or “that”. But it is never that obvious how you are to make “this” work in your situation.  This has been my experience as a pastor of a

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Even One Dimensional Coaching Can Create Success

When I think of coaching, I immediately think of sports.  I remember my High School coach telling us there were a lot of kids who couldn’t walk who wished they could do wind sprint after wind sprint.  He coached mainly through criticism, which worked for me on a temporary basis and totally failed to motivate

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What Will Ferrell Has to Do with Coaching

Okay, I admit it: I love Will Ferrell movies.  While sometimes a little too off color, I enjoy the antics of the crazy characters Ferrell plays – characters he describes as having “unearned confidence.” Unearned confidence.  That two-word phrase brings up all kinds of images, some of which are not nearly as funny as Ricky

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Hey Pastors, What’s Your Leadership Style_

Do you trust people or fear people? Maybe you demonstrate a mixture of the two, or perhaps you lean heavily toward one or the other. According to my friend and mentor Bob Dale, the extent to which a pastor fears or trusts those in his/her congregation will have a significant impact on the pastor’s leadership

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