
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

Coaching Extroverts

  Nearly 100 years ago, Carl Jung developed a handy way to understand human personality.  His theory was later developed in the basis of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, an assessment for clarifying one’s personality preferences along four dichotomies: Energy: does one gain and direct energy outward (Extrovert) or inward (Introvert)? Information: does one gather and

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Death Inspires Life

  My friend Doug Foltz, Senior Director of Project Development for Stadia Church Planting, recently wrote a short piece called “The Death of Church Planting.” I want to share it with you and see what it evokes in you. There are all kinds of death that we experience. Our grief can inspire us to new

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7 Coaching Skills Anyone Can Use

  Mention the word “coach” to a group and a host of images will pop into the collective mind. Some will think of a former high school athletic coach; others will think of a life coach they saw on Oprah; and a few will think of the executive business coach who writes books and helps

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Coaching When There’s Not Much Time

  In most of our coach training classes we ask students to coach one another, typically in 30-minute windows of time, but sometimes in as little as 10 minutes. Many coaches find it difficult to conduct a coaching session in such a narrow span of time. And some of us even struggle to conclude a

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7 Rules

  For the first 15 years of my coaching journey, almost all of my coaching was done via phone.  While many new coaches resist any form of coaching that is not in person, I found coaching over the phone to be successful.  Later, I found coaching via Zoom to work well, too.  (That is, so

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Relax and Lean In

  You can buy a box of 12 bamboo finger traps on Amazon for $5. They are also available in vending machines across the country, often for as little as twenty-five cents. You are probably wondering, why would I ever need to know this?  Here is my hot take — having one makes you a

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