
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern


  James, the brother of Jesus, wrote: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so God can heal you. – James 5:16 The goal of confession is healing, and the means to healing is confessing. This is an intimate interaction that must be handled delicately. While the coach doesn’t formally hear confessions,

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1. A Coach Approach to Preaching

  Can you take a coach approach to preaching? Preaching seems like the epitome of telling. The preacher is the expert who hopes to influence the listener to take a prescribed action. The preacher is letting the listener in on God’s commands, hopes, thoughts and plans. Is this even the right time to take a

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A Theology of Coaching

  Perhaps the deepest driving principle for me and the rest of the CAM leadership team is this: coaching is a way of joining God as God works in the lives of other people.  In other words, coaching is ministry. I believe this principle to be true, whether coaching occurs in a ministry setting, a

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Three Ways to Make Healthy Observations

Coaching is not telling, at least that is what we reinforce with beginning coaches. The telling coach gives answers rather than creates awareness. The telling coach creates dependence rather than fostering responsibility. The telling coach is the easiest coach to ignore. New coaches learn that awareness can be created by asking powerful questions – open

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Are you called to be a Christian Coach

  Os Guinness wrote, Calling is the truth that God calls us to himself so decisively that everything we are, everything we do, and everything we have is invested with a special devotion, dynamism, and direction lived out as a response to his summons and service. Some were called to preach, like Tim Keller. Some

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Bypassing Watchful Dragons

  Like many others (maybe you?), I count C.S. Lewis as one of the greatest thinkers, writers, and communicators ever.  The author of over 30 books spanning genres of poetry, fantasy, apologetics, and literature, Lewis’s intellect was unmatched.  But Lewis the genius recognized the limits of intellect.  In fact, he believed our intellect and reason

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