
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

  Mark came into the coaching relationship very excited about his goal of earning a promotion. He was a year into his role as a production supervisor in a manufacturing company and he had his sights set on becoming a plant manager and eventually a director of operations. Mark wanted the career advancement, but two

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  What is keeping you from making the changes you’ve known were necessary? As a coach, what is the greatest challenge you face around coaching people to make meaningful changes? I’m pretty sure the challenge has little to do with available resources or even awareness around what needs to be done to make the necessary

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Keystone Habits

  Karl hired me for coaching because he was struggling “to get everything done.” He’s a real estate professional who’s married, has young children, and is active in church and the local community. His list of “everything” is probably longer than the average person’s, but he’s not unreasonable with his to-do list expectations. We uncovered

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The Value of People, Purpose, and Partnership

  Eugene Peterson described the partnership of believers like this: “moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in response to God’s son, fully mature adults, fully developed within and without, fully alive like Christ” (Ephesians 4:12-13). I have had glimpses of that experience. Chuck had been my unlikely partner in a small

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Don't be the hero

  Three phrases came to my mind to begin 2020. 1. Do the work 2. Be present 3. Don’t be the hero Over the last few months, I wrote blog posts on the first two. Here is my final installment. Don’t Be the Hero The sweat on my body turned cold while I stood at

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Do Coaches Ask Too Many Questions_

  The International Coach Federation recently announced a change to their list of core competencies. The list and descriptions for each competency help coaches know what’s expected of a coach. The new list has eight competencies while the previous list had eleven. The only somewhat surprising change? The new list drops “Powerful Questioning”. Hmmm. Brian

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