
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

Be Present

  Sometimes people get a word for the coming year. One year my word was sustainable. It was a needed word that helped me transition from pastoring to coaching. It changed my mindset. This year, God has given me three phrases. Do the work. Be present. Don’t be the hero. Be Present The movie A

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Coaching the Whole Person

  I just got done having breakfast with one of my favorite people in the world. Ken and I have been doing breakfast every other week for over ten years. We share about our lives – the challenges we are facing, the blessings we are experiencing. We bring problems we are facing and talk about

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Questions at the ready

  In my ebook The Language of Coaching, I compare learning to coach with learning a new language. It’s not that we learn new vocabulary, syntax, grammar and alphabet, but we do learn a new way to speak the language we already know. For new coaches, one of the most challenging aspects of learning this

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Sharing Principles

  Many of the people I coach are leaders – people who by career, vocation or whatever are in a place of influence with others. I often remind leaders that their first responsibility is “to define reality.” This phrase comes from Max Depree, who served as CEO of Herman Miller and authored several great leadership

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Do the work

  As 2019 came to an end, three statements began to form in my head. I wrote them down on the white board in my office. I adjusted the wording to get more to the heart of each truth. All three speak to my behavior and my mindset. I feel like if I follow these

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Suggested Reading

  There are four ways to develop into a stronger coach: coaching, being coached, observing others coach, and getting trained. To be well-developed, you need to engage all four. The last way (training) is a broad category of many different elements, including classes, mentor coaching, feedback, podcasts, videos, and reading. You will never become a

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