
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern


If you know me at all, then you won’t be surprised to learn that I am writing this blog post from the seat of an airplane, headed off somewhere again. And, if you travel very much at all, you also won’t be surprised to learn that the flight I am on has been delayed. It

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It’s March and I’m wrapping up an online version of CAM 512 Coaching and Positive Psychology. The class has been a valuable learning experience (and a lot of fun).  One of the topics we cover in the class is the idea of “wellbeing” – a concept that encompasses what life is about and what we

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Don’t you just hate saying goodbye? Whether it’s the kids leaving after a visit, or a dying parent…. a business relationship or a personal one. We hate having to say goodbye. I think it must be in our nature to crave relationship (something Biblical about that) and as one comes to an end (even temporarily)

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Better way to learn

I was hungry to learn. This was my seventh or eighth trip to Haiti, and if I was going to continue taking trips, I needed to learn the language. As languages go, it didn’t seem that hard. Creole isn’t as complicated as many languages. There are no conjugations and many of the words are defined

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few low-paying

Do your advertisements for coaching look like this? I love coaching. You will too. If you have any issue in any situation, I can help. I won’t tell you what to do but as we talk, your inner expert will come out. Here’s the ugly truth: No one will buy this. I started by coaching

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bind break

A few weeks ago I found myself explaining nuclear fusion to my 12 year old son as we drove to a basketball game.  I’m not exactly Bill Nye the science guy.  I don’t carry around that kind of science knowledge in my head, but I had recently read a news article on fusion as a

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