
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

Missed Appointments

I got up early on a Saturday morning, usually one of the few days I might get to catch up on my sleep. A new client had signed up, which for a new coach is quite affirming. This client had a very demanding job and lived in a different time zone, so we ended up

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Summertime is conference time for many people.  Maybe you’re one of those who’s planning to attend and benefit from a conference in the coming months.  I know I am – including a writer’s conference in June.  (Since you’re reading my blog post, maybe you’re hoping the conference will improve my writing!) Conferences are great.  You

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Share Story

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how much our coaching conversations are just that – conversations. According to Wikipedia, a conversation is a form of interactive, spontaneous communication between two or more people. Did you see those two descriptors? Interactive Spontaneous What does it mean to have an interactive, spontaneous coaching conversation? Aren’t we

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Women and Time Mgt

I didn’t pursue it, but I find myself coaching several excellent women leaders. I’d be thrilled to coach even more. In my experience, women leaders have an advantage because they don’t allow any pretense about performance. Where a man may want to project with me that he has most everything under control, women leaders tend

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Coaching ROI

If you’re not familiar with some business jargon, you might wonder what that typo is in the title of this post.  ROI is shorthand for “Return on Investment” and it’s a quick way of expressing the concern that what I put into something (Investment) needs to get me some results (Return).  The term is technically

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Why Leaders Need a Coach

I’m a coach and trainer of coaches, so it’s no surprise to anyone that I think coaching is great.  Of course, I think pretty much anyone could benefit from working with a coach.  But there’s one group of people I think benefits more than most: leaders. Why do leaders benefit from coaching?  Here are three

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