
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

Connecting to a Coaching Community

For my first blog post in the new year I want to share some of what I’ve been thinking about the CAM Coaching Community and how it has served me –and many other coaches – so well this past year. This month we are celebrating the first anniversary of the start of the community and

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Why Get a Coaching Credential

Of all the questions I get as a coach trainer, perhaps none is more straightforward than the one that adorns this post’s title.  I often hear even seasoned and successful coaches ponder whether or not to pursue a coaching credential.  Earning a worthwhile credential takes work, so is it it worth it?  Here are some

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The Most Helpful Questions You Can Ask

Coaches love questions.  And here’s a secret: so does everyone else. We all love questions because they invite exploration, get us started (or keep us going) on a quest, and give us a chance to be heard.  Questions are great! So what are the most helpful questions you can ask another person?  Of course the

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How Much to Charge2

I teach about twenty coaching classes every year.  And no matter the level of the class (beginner, intermediate or advanced), no matter the exact topic, and no matter whether the class is online or on site, there is one question I almost always get: “How much should I charge for my coaching?” Of course there

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Creating awareness does not just occur from powerful questioning. Awareness can be created from most any skill used in coaching. The other day, my coach quoted a famous entrepreneur. The quote came from her listening deeply to what I was saying. When she finished the quote, I automatically made a statement about how I saw

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In my previous post, I shared some of my thoughts about the importance of a coach truly believing that her/his clients are healthy, creative, and resourceful. I hope you read that article and accepted my challenge to unlock the vast reservoir of knowledge, passion, hopes, and dreams from within your clients for maximum power in

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