
Every week, we publish a new blog post that addresses
the coaching issues that concern

far side transition

I grew up near enough to St Louis that my family would make the trip two or three times a year. Coming from Illinois, the only way into St Louis is across a bridge spanning the Mississippi River. The Poplar Street Bridge is the length of two football fields and carries Interstate 70 across the

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fear not

In your coaching life, what are you most afraid of? What worries you the most? What fears hold you back? I suppose for many coaches – especially those who are new to the craft – the answers to these questions would include: – Fear of failing – Fear of being seen as incompetent – Fear

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humble leadership

Instead of learning the importance of humility while ascending to leadership, Doug Guthrie learned it on the way down and out. Guthrie teaches leadership at Apple University, but his ascent to Apple followed a pride-induced fall.  Guthrie is a smart, hard-working and capable leader who served as the dean of the George Washington School of

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passing fad

I was recounting the other day the worst email I ever sent. It was a “Reply to All.” The email I had received said that my strategic plan had failed to create the desired results, and now it was time for me to end my efforts and join the email author in implementing his strategic

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Coaches help clients set goals (and hopefully reach them).  And clients have all sorts of great goals, from improving a relationship to raising their performance at work to achieving a big milestone such as writing a book.  But there is perhaps no bigger goal than this: becoming a more virtuous person. When a client truly

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I suppose I could have titled this post A CHRISTIAN Response to Political Discourse as I believe there are some attitudes and behaviors that all believers could bring to the current political climate in the US. However, I am writing largely to Christian coaches and I think there may be some particular insights that apply

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